What Makes Finnish Kids So Smart?

Publicada por José Manuel Dias

The Finns won attention with their performances in triennial tests sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a group funded by 30 countries that monitors social and economic trends. In the most recent test, which focused on science, Finland's students placed first in science and near the top in math and reading, according to results released late last year.
What they find is simple but not easy: well-trained teachers and responsible children. Early on, kids do a lot without adults hovering. And teachers create lessons to fit their students.
The Norssi School is run like a teaching hospital, with about 800 teacher trainees each year. Graduate students work with kids while instructors evaluate from the sidelines. Teachers must hold master's degrees, and the profession is highly competitive: More than 40 people may apply for a single job.
Artigo de Ellen Gamerman, no The Wall Street Journal, pode ser lido na íntegra aqui.

Depois desta leitura somos forçados a concluir que as reformas na educação são urgentes e necessárias. Os finlandeses não são os portugueses, dir-nos-ão. Assim é, de facto. Os resultados estão à vista, é só espreitar aqui.

1 comentários:

  1. Rosarinho disse...

    Tal e qual como aqui!